Tuesday, 20 July 2010

This very important thing you have to know before writing article.

Before you start to write an article to promote your web site, you have to know this stuff to make it highly-targeted.
Internet marketing became highly popular with such modern communication technology as computer and internet. Internet marketing is a means to promote new brands or any existing products. Web site owners use these most effective and most popular techniques to get traffic to their sites and transfer them to the buyers. This is article writing.
You cannot calculate the priceless in getting the contents more exposure, which is really just part of the entire process.
Just look at these common very important things you need to know.
1. Three key benefits and one reason.
There are three parts of process. It is branding, lead generation and promotion and all of them are very important in writing article. But you have only one reason, why you write this article, it is to notify your readers. If you do not focus on it your article will be not enough interesting to achieve its audience.
Your target is to make your article readable, and to make the reader to click on your resource box. Write better article and you will reach it.
2. Maximize traffic.
Your article can help you produce some traffic back to your site. If you want more visitors, you need to optimize your article, in other words, put your keywords at tactical places of your article. You need to spread throughout of the article body about 1 to 1, 5 % of keywords. It means if your article consists of 500 words, then you need to use about 5 to 8 keywords.
3. Write helpful article.
Not all articles are submitting by different reasons or not all articles are highly readable. And in result, you do not achieve your target traffic. So, what are you going to do? First of all, you have to write helpful for reader content. Then you need to find relevant directories and submit the article. You can repeat it with different directories, so it increases your potential audience. For the best result can hire a writer to produce a good content for you.
In conclusion, your article with web site links increases traffic but not a lot. I would suggest you to take an additional time making value contents. Write more and get more experience in writing articles. Do not forget to put keywords on tactical places.

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