Thursday, 27 May 2010


Building & Selling To Your Own Mailing List(See Idea #6)

Difficulty: Easy/Intermediate
Cost To Use/Implement: Fee Based/Free
Time & Effort Involved: 1-5 Days
Ways To Use/Implement: Several

Description: In all reality, this is the most successful way to skyrocket your online profits. And every single Internet Marketer worth their weight in dollars knows it. The building of the mailing list itself isn't that difficult however, what is difficult is selling to your newly built list. The reason this is such a complicated task is due to a few factors:

1 The subscribers on your list and how you collected them(usually by offering something for free which makes selling all the more difficult)

2 Knowing the correct way to sell to your subscribers

3 The frequency in which you send your sales pitches out

All the above combined can create an extremely tough selling arena for you. But, here are some tips to help you:

1 If you have built your mailing list on the basis of giving something away for free and will continue to give away such 'freebies', make sure that you offer products or packages that have a substantial value for a very reduced price if applicable(be sure to stay in accordance with the product(s) reselling license). For example: Offering a newly released product that not many other resellers have access to for a severely discounted price of $5.00 is a fairly successful combination especially for 'freebie' subscribers. While this isn't completely void of all cost, it's pretty close if the product(s) normally resells for $30 and upwards.

2 Try using the 'soft sell' method when sending offers out to mailing list subscribers. The process of soft selling is to not come right out and say “Buy This Now”, but rather to offer some sort of reasons why one might want to consider purchasing this product – i.e. : the benefits of purchasing it. Also offering your opinions on it in a product review type setting and then including a link to purchase is a wonderful way to implement the soft sell method with your subscribers.

3 Most mailing list subscribers have voiced the collective opinion that they do not care for being a part of mailing lists that send out emails to them too often. But, how often is too often? It has been expressed in several different polls and forums that anything more than 1 email a week is too much. However, if you condition your subscribers to expect to be receiving offers from you on a daily basis straight from the beginning of being on your mailing list, then you will receive many less complaints and unsubscribers as well. A very easy way to accomplish this is to begin including 'special offers' right from the very first email you send to your new subscribers and continue to include them in each of your emailings. This way, your subscribers will get use to, or be conditioned to expect, these types of advertisements inside every one of your emails. This can be as simple as including a short P.S. At the end of your emails.

Now that you have a few ideas of how to properly use your mailing list to earn you some consistent profits, it's time to actually build one.

The easiest way to do this is to use a pre-loaded script through your web host. Almost all web hosting companies include these now that offer a 'one touch' system for setting these up. The downfall here is that many of these scripts are very limited in what they can do as far as mailing lists are concerned. However, this is still the best choice for anyone that is not familiar with scripts and coding language.

One last note about getting your own mailing list started(I would be remiss if I didn't include this last option), there are specialty services such as Aweber and Get Response that charge a monthly fee and handle all the pesky scripting stuff for you leaving you more free time to send emailings off to your list of subscribers.

Moving on, you will need to set up a ezine/newsletter sign up box somewhere. Otherwise, how will you get new subscribers?!?

Two fantastic places to start are on your web site and inside any products you have created yourself or can rebrand with your own information such as private label rights products.

Now, any of the above mentioned email list building systems should have an HTML subscription pre-made code hanging around inside of it for you to access and use.

Then it's just simply a matter of finding it, and 'copy and pasting' the HTML code into your existing web site or product. You could even generate your own squeeze page if you want to get really fancy(and also grab the immediate attention of your site visitors!). Not to be outdone, the idea of making use of a pop up window can be quite an attention getter and maybe even recruit more subscribers when they see them.

Now, a squeeze page is simply a plain old HTML page that is designed to do one thing and one thing only. . .make your site visitors subscribe to your mailing list. Therefore, it would be fairly easy to 'copy and paste' your HTML subscription form info inside one of these.

Pop ups are a little different. But not too much. You still need to copy and paste the HTML code, but in this instance you'll need to do that within an existing code of another sort, usually a JavaScript. This will take a little more skill, but can still be done without too much hassle.

With all of that aside, the most important thing to remember wherever you decide to 'stick' your HTML subscriber code is how you present the description or details of signing up for your list to your potential subscribers.

What I mean is that by letting your potential subscribers know the really important things they will be getting is dire. For instance, if you simply put up a pop up that says: “Subscribe To My Mailing List”, you probably won't get too many subscribers. On the other hand, if you made use of some descriptive language like: “Sign Up For More Tips, Tools, And Bargains 100% FREE” you would more than likely see a bigger subscription rate. Of course you would want to get a little more specific detailing what your subject matter is, but the above is just a simple example.

There is also one other way to begin building your mailing list to make profits from, which will be discussed in greater detail in the next Money Making Idea. So be sure to read it thoroughly.

Once you get the hang of all this 'list building' it's a really good idea to begin building more than one. And you thought all you needed was one!

Most successful Internet Marketers that consistently earn 5 figures and up a month do have, and run, more than just one list. In fact they have quite a few. Some have 10 and upwards, if you can believe that. I'm telling you it's pure and simple fact. The reasons for this are simple. . .

1 They want to earn more money with multiple profit streams

2 They want to specialize in more than one topic or subject matter(niche)

I'm in no way suggesting you should do this if you are just beginning, but it is something to consider in the future. List building is the life blood of many online businesses, and you should consider it the life blood of yours as well. You should actively come up with as many ways as you can think of to add subscribers to your existing mailing list because it will pay off for you.

All right. So we know how to get our list set up to start receiving subscribers, but where can we find them? Well, your web site is a good start. How many site visitors do you receive a day? Do you think that they might want to sign up to get more free information, goods, or services from you? Sure they would! Who doesn't like getting something for nothing? But, a word of caution. . .make your 'something' worthwhile for them, or you'll have a lot of unsubscribers. Not that that is always a bad thing. You must understand that when you begin building a list of subscribers you want a list full of responsive prospects and not dead beats that are only out for hoarding up as many freebies as they can get. Those are the people you do not want on your list if you hope to earn any money from it. You want the people that stay subscribed even after you have sent them plenty of good offers.

Remember too that it's not an attack on you personally when someone unsubscribes. They just aren't interested in what you are offering them, or have to say. Good riddance! Even if you have an unsubscribe rate of 20 to 1, that 1 subscriber is a responsive subscriber and is worth more than what you feel you may have lost.

And believe me, it doesn't matter if you send out a treasure map to unbelievable riches, you will get people that unsubscribe. It's just the nature of doing business online. Just remember not to take it personally when this happens. Keep doing what you're doing and you will build a superb list of responsive subscribers. I guarantee it.

Other places to collect subscribers are through places like eBay. If you sell there, put your 'About Me' page to good use. Add your ezine/newsletter sign up HTML code inside there.

Add a link inside your signature tag inside forums that leads to your ezine/newsletter sign up page.

Put a plain .txt file inside your product .zip files that provides your customers with a link to subscribe to your mailing list to keep themselves current on any new products you release.

These are all useful ways to get new subscribers onto your mailing list and get your offers in front of them.

One last point concerning list building, you don't have to have a subscriber base of 50,000 to earn money with it. But the higher your number, the more profits you will be able to earn by getting your offers in front of more eyeballs each time you send one off.

Monday, 17 May 2010


Product Creation

Difficulty: Intermediate
Cost To Use/Implement: Free-$350+
Time & Effort Involved: 10-60 Minutes
Ways To Use/Implement: Several

Creating your own product can be a time consuming task. And, a lot of people that are new to this type of activity can become intimidated by the concept rather quickly. They begin to question if their product is 'ready' to be unleashed unto the online world. And so, they place it on the 'back burner' for another day. Then the day turns into a week, a month, six months, and so on, until they have completely forgotten or given up on the prospect of creating something of their own.

Let me tell you this: Creating Your Own Product Is NOT A Hard Thing To Do! Not by any means. So long as you have the right tools on hand to do it. Let me further explain that everything you have done up until this point can help you sell your product and earn you more profits even AFTER you have sold your original product.

So, the first thing you are going to need is a tool to turn your words into an 'official' e-book(electronic book). But, before we get to the free tool, let me take a moment to explain WHY we are focusing on the 'e-book' format.

First off, they can be produced rather cheaply. Second, they can be produced quickly. And third, they can be downloaded almost instantly by your customers.

So, easy to make, cheap to make, and no physical shipping necessary? That's all you need to know right there! Sure, it's gonna take a bit of work on your part, but after the initial work of creating the product is done, distribution will be next to nothing. And, best of all, distribution won't cost you anything!

Okay, now for the free tool. All you need to create your own PDF e-book is: Open Office Suite. It's 100% free and you can use it to make PDF e-books in a snap. Why PDF e-books though? Well, because PDF e-books can be read by anyone no matter the operating system their computer is running on. And because there is not a threat of malicious viruses being attached to them like .EXE files. Better for you, better for your customers :-).

Once you have your Open Office Suite downloaded and installed on your computer, you will notice there are several tools ready for you to use. For e-book creation, all you will need is the 'Writer' tool. It operates almost exactly like Microsoft Word, but you can do more with it, including, and most importantly, saving your compilations as PDF e-books with the click of a button. That's pretty impressive. Especially for a tool you paid nothing for.

Because this process of e-book creation is so complicated, I will give you a free copy of another e-book that takes you through the process step-by-step to get you started. It's a great read and super informative. Grab your copy of Newbie's Guide

After you have your product all finished up, it's time to 'take it to market'. Or, sell it ;-).

While you can of course sell your product as it is, there are a few other things you can do to make it more of an attractive product to potential customers. And that is by offering some form of Resale Rights with it.

Again, I won't go into the entire description of types of resale rights, because you can download a superb ebook that explains that. But just know that by offering such a 'bonus' to your buyer's purchase can boost your sales.

Another thing you can do to try and boost your sales, and this has been proven to work, is to create a virtual ebook cover. This can get pretty expensive if you hire someone to do the cover, but it is possible for you to create your own for free. Give it a try, you never know what you may be able to come up with. And, if that's not good enough, how about downloading a copy of Free Report.

Friday, 7 May 2010


Online Store/Web Site/Blog

Difficulty: Intermediate
Cost To Use/Implement: Free-$60
Time & Effort Involved: 1-4 Days + Ongoing Updates/Additions
Ways To Use/Implement: Several

Unless you've been living in a cave, or at least very primitively for the last couple of years, I'm pretty sure you know what an online store is. If you've shopped online for any item, whether it be a physical item or an intangible(or one you can download that you cannot touch physically) one, then chances are, you were shopping at someone's online store. While they look and act like a basic 'web site' there is one distinct difference between the two: 'an online store has one main job. . .to sell products'.

But, a web site is one in which there is many different forms of content, and can also include items that are being sold by the site owner. Therefore, a web site is a bit more complicated than a simple online store. Sounds funny doesn't it? But it's true. I promise ;-).

With a web site, you will need to have much more content, both free and products, but with an online, or 'e-commerce', store, you only need to list those things that you are selling. And a few other pages that consist of your store policies, etc.

And, a web site is going to take you more time to set up than an online store. Don't believe that? Well, then take a look at The most time consuming part of setting up an online 'download' goods store is the process of uploading your files and putting a price and description on to them. Can it be that simple? Yes it can. It doesn't have to be hard. Plus, TradeBit is perfect for those that sell products through eBay too since they have an eBay integration feature included within ALL their memberships. Yes, the free ones too.

So, if you want to set up your own online store, and you are relatively new to the whole process, is definitely a site you should check in to. Is it the ONLY one? No. Is it the EASIEST one to use? YES.

Now, let's move on to earning money with Blogs. Plenty of people do this. I can hear you saying now, "Well, aren't blogs designed for posting up free content?". Yep. They are. However, that doesn't mean that you can't use your Blog to earn you some extra cash while you're at it.

And, how, exactly do you do that? Well, there are actually a couple of different ways. One is through Google AdSense. It's pretty easy to put up the AdSense coding that displays boxes of links leading off to related content, or products. Can you hear the 'cha-ching' sound going off yet?

Google will provide you with step-by-step instructions of how to place their 'ad boards' within your blog. It's not complicated, trust me. And, the great thing about Google AdSense is that depending upon the content of the blog post, it will automatically update the ads presented to fit in with the subject of the blog post. And you don't have to do a thing past posting to your blog.

Another way is to include your affiliate links underneath your blog navigation menu. Simply copy your affiliate links, and then post 'em up in your navigational links menu. Viola! Another money making funnel for your blog.

Yet another way is to take your product reviews from Money Making Idea #1 and convert those into blog posts.

Using what you have already created as far as product reviews, special reports, and articles is super easy to convert over to blog posts. Plus, it gives you even more content to add on a daily basis.

If you aren't any good with understanding coding like PHP or HTML, don't worry. There are plenty of blogging services you can utilize. With that, I want you to have a copy of Free Report so that you can get all the blogging information you'll need to make the most of your free money making blog.

eMarketer Articles and Newsroom Posts